Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Grand Opening Party

Wow! (14) people ended up showing to my Open House! I was so exhausted by the end of the day. With cleaning my house, getting ready for the show, having the show, and then cleaning up after sure took a toll on me by the end of the night! My feet were KILLING ME!!!

Thank you Norma for bringing your friends and letting them come and taste the chocolate. I hope they had a great time.

Here are a few comments from the show:

Kelli - "You did an awesome job tonight. Good Luck with your business."

Michelle - "Great job Tracey. Your personality is perfect for this..."

Gabby - "You're funny. I like you, and I like your Seinfeld wall. You should keep doing chocolate parties."

Bianca - "I enjoyed being here today. The chocolate was delicious. The best chocolate was the Chocolate Mousse."

Mauricio - "Today was fun. I loved the Chocolate Mousse. To bad I didn't taste the trifle. Thank you very much. The chocolate was delicious. Way to go Tracey" :o)

Carina - "Great party. Maybe let people try the Dessert Sauces (mango & raspberry) on their spoons they eat the mousse on. Great Sauces!"..........................Carnia, thank you so much for the suggestion. Great idea! I didn't even think to do that. I have made changes to my show agenda to incorporate the sauces. Thank You! :o)

I would like to believe that everyone had such a great time last night, because there weren't very many pictures that were taken. Thank you Michelle and whoever took the pictures. Without you I would have no pictures to show off for my Grand Opening.

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